Thursday, July 15, 2010


Manwha is the Korean Manga. It's less popular that the traditional Japanese Manga, but it starts getting more and more well known.
There are a few differences, the first thing to known about Manwha is that you have to read them from left to right and the format is also a bit bigger than a Manga book.
Now, regarding the content and stories. So far most of the Manwha I have read are Shoujo or alike, have a girl as main character and most of the time she a good fighter; But off course there are some good Shounen and Seinen, so it worst checking, you might find one of your favorite story there. ;)

The first Manwha I've read is the Bride of the Water God and it still my favorite, the art is really amazing.
You can read it online here from chapter 12. Since it has been licensed in North America, you can also purchase it. :)

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