Thursday, August 12, 2010

My top 3 #5

Long time without adding one of my top 3, gomen >_<
This time I discovered some really interesting songs mixed with traditional Japanese instruments (samisen/shamisen and koto most of the time). I must say that I felt in love with the Yoshida Brothers :)

My first song is from Monkey Majik and Yoshida Brothers - Change - This is my favorite song of the moment.

Yoshida Brothers - Kodo - here is the original version:

The Sun remix is also pretty great (unfortunately no VM):

Kagraa, - Satsuki - This is a visual key so it's a bit more J-rock than the 2 first, but it's still really good.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Matsuri Japon

On Saturday, August 14th, Matsuri Japon will take place at the quays of the old port of Montreal. So if you are near Montreal and haven't planned to go to the Otakuthon Saturday, come take a look at Matsuri Japan. Many activities are planned and I'm sure it will be fun. It will start at 2pm with an opening ceremony.

See you there ^_^

Thursday, August 5, 2010

No News, Good News!

Lately, I was kinda busy, so not many updates.
Beginning of July there was the Japan Expo  in Paris. I wish I could have attended to it but well I will have to content myself with the Otakuthon at Montreal this month. I'm eager as this will be my first participation in that kind of event :)

The Otakuthon is way smaller than the Japan Expo but Manga and Asian culture in general are really popular in France. The Otakuthon might become bigger and bigger as the Japan Expo also started at a very small scale about 10 years ago.

Here are some photos from the Japan Expo -Some cosplay are really amazing-: Here and here

While watching these pictures I just realized that Moon Kana was there, ho well that must have been epic :p

Saturday, July 24, 2010

End of

I'm a bit sad , the home of manga..., is going to close at the end of this month. Here is the announcement:

"There is an end to everything, to good things as well."
It pains me to announce that this is the last week of manga reading on One Manga (!!). Manga publishers have recently changed their stance on manga scanlations and made it clear that they no longer approve of it. We have decided to abide by their wishes, and remove all manga content (regardless of licensing status) from the site. The removal of content will happen gradually (so you can at least finish some of the outstanding reading you have), but we expect all content to be gone by early next week (RIP OM July 2010).

So what next? We're not really sure at this point, but we have some ideas we would like to try out. Until then, the One Manga forums will remain active and we encourage all of you to continue using them. OMF has developed into a great community and it would be a shame to see that disappear.

You can also show us some love in this moment of sadness by 'liking' our brand new Facebook page. It would be nice to see just how many of you came to enjoy our 'better than peanut butter and jelly' invention.

Regardless of whether you stay with us or not, on behalf of the One Manga team, I would like to thank you all for your unwavering support over the years. Through the ups and downs you have stuck with us, and that is what kept us going.

As a certain Porky was fond of saying... That's all folks!

Time for me to go lay down and let this all sink in.

- Zabi

It was the first Manga web site I used and discovered a lot of Mangas and Manwhas. I found it because I was watching the One piece Anime and when I was done with the Anime I was eager to know what happened next, so I googled and found I'm disappointed because 80% of the Manga found there aren't even published in North America and some probably won't ever be published.

According to google, onemanga is among the top 1000 of the most visited sites.:

Here is an article with some more information:

There is also some online petition:
I'm actually not quiet sure that petition is going to change anything. Manga book is a business and when money is involved, the publisher won't back off. In a way I can understand that, but I'm still disappointed and wish onemanga could continue to exist.

This is not a good omen for other online manga, streaming anime and J-Music sites :(

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Manga: Beelzebub

Long time no see :p
Today I'll make an article about the Manga: Beelzebub. It's a Shounen Comedy Action Manga with a bit of Supernatural created by Tamura Ryuuhei.
The story is about a delinquent, Oga, who is chosen by the Devil King to take care of his new born son: Beelzebub. He is more or less helped by Olga, a nurse and Alain Delon some sort of handyman both coming from Hell.

This a bit violent as Oga has be chosen because he is the strongest juvenile delinquent, so you bet there will be some fights! The story is funny and I like Oga character, he is a bit simple minded and dangerous -he solve of his problem with his fists- but he is honest.

This manga is still going, so I wait the "almost" weekly release with excitement. ^_^
You can read it on

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Manwha is the Korean Manga. It's less popular that the traditional Japanese Manga, but it starts getting more and more well known.
There are a few differences, the first thing to known about Manwha is that you have to read them from left to right and the format is also a bit bigger than a Manga book.
Now, regarding the content and stories. So far most of the Manwha I have read are Shoujo or alike, have a girl as main character and most of the time she a good fighter; But off course there are some good Shounen and Seinen, so it worst checking, you might find one of your favorite story there. ;)

The first Manwha I've read is the Bride of the Water God and it still my favorite, the art is really amazing.
You can read it online here from chapter 12. Since it has been licensed in North America, you can also purchase it. :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week #4 top 3!

This week it will be a J-Rap/J-Hip-hop to change a little! I'm usually not a big fan of rap and hip-hop but sometimes I change my mind when I found some cool songs :)

#1 Infinity 16 Tsutaeta koto ga konna aru no ni

#2 Rize - Heiwa

#3 LGYankees - Good Luck homies
No MV for this one, it's a shame but well... I like this song so I'm sharing it anyway :x
