Thursday, August 12, 2010

My top 3 #5

Long time without adding one of my top 3, gomen >_<
This time I discovered some really interesting songs mixed with traditional Japanese instruments (samisen/shamisen and koto most of the time). I must say that I felt in love with the Yoshida Brothers :)

My first song is from Monkey Majik and Yoshida Brothers - Change - This is my favorite song of the moment.

Yoshida Brothers - Kodo - here is the original version:

The Sun remix is also pretty great (unfortunately no VM):

Kagraa, - Satsuki - This is a visual key so it's a bit more J-rock than the 2 first, but it's still really good.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Matsuri Japon

On Saturday, August 14th, Matsuri Japon will take place at the quays of the old port of Montreal. So if you are near Montreal and haven't planned to go to the Otakuthon Saturday, come take a look at Matsuri Japan. Many activities are planned and I'm sure it will be fun. It will start at 2pm with an opening ceremony.

See you there ^_^

Thursday, August 5, 2010

No News, Good News!

Lately, I was kinda busy, so not many updates.
Beginning of July there was the Japan Expo  in Paris. I wish I could have attended to it but well I will have to content myself with the Otakuthon at Montreal this month. I'm eager as this will be my first participation in that kind of event :)

The Otakuthon is way smaller than the Japan Expo but Manga and Asian culture in general are really popular in France. The Otakuthon might become bigger and bigger as the Japan Expo also started at a very small scale about 10 years ago.

Here are some photos from the Japan Expo -Some cosplay are really amazing-: Here and here

While watching these pictures I just realized that Moon Kana was there, ho well that must have been epic :p