Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Koizora: Did you say Love Story ?!?

Yesterday, while browsing random stuff on internet, I ended up watching the movie Koizora - Sky of Love -, based on the Drama of the same name. I was happily surprised I actually watched the movie until the end. I'm usually not a big fan of love story movies especially those with a sad ending, which is actually the case here, sorry if I spoiled the plot a bit :x

Overall, the love story is cute and not too boring and well... the main actor (Haruma Miura) is pretty cute *giggle* Just Google his name and you will find ton of pictures.
Off course, manly macho man have to stay away from that movie or watch it with their girl friend to gain some points in the romantic skill of them.

Since I liked the movie, I started to watch the Drama, the story is about the same, there are some differences thoughts, but the first 2 episodes are good so far. So I'll probably keep watching it now and then, when having some free time without better thing to do -_-

Hoo and ... the basic story... I gave my opinion without giving any hint on the story *rolleyes*. It's basically the love story between two students in High School, the spontaneous and fierce Sakurai Hiroki and the shy and calm Tahara Mika. They will encounter happiness and also some true sadness along their path, and even if the end is sad it still gives hope. It looks like an ordinary teenagers love story, but actually it's not .. yeah yeah... trust me! So I would recommend watching it except if you absolutely hate love stories, of course...

You can watch the Drama here and the Movie here


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